Newton’s cradle

Length: 2:34
Keywords: piano, gentle, light, baby observing physics, back and forth, learning by observation, attention, subtle kindness, sweet, calm, nice

To see how this music works with different genres, press Play and then turn on one of the videos on the bottom of this page.

This $2.99 license is designed for filmmakers.

Submit to film festivals, post to YouTube, broadcast on TV, etc. 

For use in film/TV/theatre projects with budgets under $10,000 (not including equipment).

Play the music simultaneously with various videos below to see the effect it can have in different contexts.

1. Drama / break up scene
2. Inspirational monologue scene
3. Horror scene
4. Criminal planning
5. Romantic scene
6. Tense situation scene
7. Problem-solving scene
8. Fantasy/mysterious scene
9. Location-establishing scene (no dialogue)
10. Action scene (no dialogue)
11. Big / Majestic
12. Comedic

This music comes as a WAV file.

After you check out, you will see a grey button with the name of the music. Click it to download.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.